Y-FM is a compact and versatile detecting Microscope system. Broght field dark field,polarization and DIC is available.Various Illuminations:150W halogen and 40W LED cold light,connecyed by fiber.With big base and extral long pole,convenient for observation of big size LCD panel,PCB and thick sample.
Y-I1 metallurgical microscope
Big Stage with Extra Large Moving Range 250X200mm.
It is widely used in IT Industry for Large Area Integrate Circuit, Wafer Observation and Inspection.
Excellent Optical Quality with Infinite Optical System and LWD High Magnification Objective(40X/WD2.9mm).
Stage Speedy Movement by Hand to Get Observation Point Immediately.
Comfortable and Enjoyable Operation with Low and Pre Position Control Knob.
Excellent infinite Optical System.
Laboratory metallurgical microscope, including bright field, dark field and polarization observation system.
Powerful transmitted and reflected system with Kohler illumination.
Ideal instrument for industry inspection and science research.