UCIS Infinity Independent Achromatic Optical System
WF10x plan eyepieces, 20mm field of view, high eye point up to 21mm, WF10X18mm Reticule Eyepiece
Seidentopf binocular viewing head, inclined45º
52-75mm interpupillary distance settings ±5 Diopter adjustment
Quintuple nosepiece inward facing with positive click stops
Infinity long work distance plan Achromatic 10x, 20x, 40x and 80x objectives
Right hand controls, low position, Mechanical Stage, Size: 180mm×155mm, Movement Range: 80mmX50mm
Coaxial coarse and fine focus mechanism with markings on fine focus knobs. Fine focus sensitivity 0.001mm
12volt 50 watt halogen illumination, Reflection Koehler illuminator with iris diaphragm and centerable filed diaphragm